One Technique - a Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Guys

On the surface, hair just seems pretty straight forward and simple. But hair is a lot more complicated than what meets the eye. We lose about a hundred strands of hair a day. If you're a man between 20-45 years of age, and you start to see yourself losing hair on your scalp, then you are probably experiencing the beginning forms of male pattern baldness. Sometimes it's good to use over the counter treatments like Propecia pills. But the problem with this is that it contains the side affect of losing your sexual drive and having a high sex drive is not only normal for men but is also healthy for our bodies. That is why you may consider using a natural hair loss treatment.

In my early 20's, I have gone through early stages of hair loss and it has affected me in many ways. I never used hats before, but I see myself wearing hats more often nowadays whenever I go out. The reason for this is because when you have receding hair lines or thinning hair, wearing a hat allows you to flatten your hair, making your hair loss seem less obvious. Now I'm not saying this happens to everybody. Some people wear hats for the heck of it, but I use hats more as a prop to coordinate my hair rather than for the looks. It can be embarrassing sometimes, and that's why if you're not looking to not waste a lot of money on hair restoration (the ones you see on TV) you may want to try using a natural hair loss treatment.

One natural hair loss treatment involves massaging your scalp. The reason this helps is because it increases and stimulates circulation to your scalp. This opens blood vessels and allows for cells of the hair follicles to receive more nutrients necessary for hair growth along with improving the strength of the hair root. Massaging your scalp also allows your bodies stress level to lower. Lower stress levels enable your organisms to function more efficiently, and in turn helps boost your hair follicles ability to re-grow hair. With a combination of nourishing oils and scalp massaging, this will reduce any process of dandruff or dry skin that interferes with hair growth process and naturally help your hair stay healthy, stimulated, and prevent more hair from falling out.