Losing Your Hair And Wondering -- Does Minoxidil Work

Does minoxidil work? An important question, especially if you are suffering from hair loss. Discovered like many things -- completely by accident -- as a solid treatment to re-grow your hair.

Recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology and approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) several years ago. With all this it would be easy to assume that it is of its self a complete hair restoration system.

First we must answer the question -- "What causes hair loss?" The majority of hair loss is linked to a hormone called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). A necessary part of your blood chemistry which -- as time goes by -- progressively makes hair follicles thinner and thinner causing the hair to fall out.

It stimulates hair re-growth working best where the hair has thinned -- on the crown of the head in men and on the forehead in women.

Minoxidil does a great job re-growing hair, but it does prevent further hair loss. So a "two tiered" system must be employed to get the results folks are looking for. Stopping hair loss and promoting hair re-growth.

Obviously the most effective hair recovery system would need this two pronged attack. Minoxidil is massaged directly into the scalp with something taken orally to fight the effects of DHT. An oral supplement which would attack the problem of hair loss.

Science understood that DHT could be effectively reduced by certain vitamins, minerals and a well know prostate herb "Saw Palmetto" -- safe for use by both men and women.

This created a winning combination of hair re-growth and and a system for stopping balding. A two tiered solution to the problem.

The biggest drawback -- it takes time to see results. 2 to 4 months of daily use to see the positive results -- for both men and women -- and it can take 6 months to 12 months to see visible results. As you can tell it is not a quick fix and patience is required.

The real question then becomes not does minoxidil work? But rather does minoxidil work for YOU?

Conclusion Over all minoxidil works it is effective at re-growing hair, but you will only see acceptable results when it is used in combination with a hair stop loss system. When it fails -- The vast majority of the time it's because people did NOT follow instructions for proper application or they give up using it to soon.