Natural Hair Loss Remedy for Men

Baldness is a condition where there is an absence of the hair on the head. This usually occurs on men. Hair is everywhere on the body except for the palms and soles of the feet. If there is a problem on the body system that destroys the balance of the hair growth and cause hair to fall, this will cause more hair loss, and then eventually lead to baldness. When this happens, you need to turn to an effective hair loss remedy .

Obviously, the symptoms for baldness are the falling and thinning of hairs. They are caused by lack of vitamin in your diet. Stress, sudden shock and all those negative emotions contribute to hair loss. Scalp that are unclean and poor blood circulation can also lead to baldness. However, there is a hair loss remedy to solve and prevent this condition. Here are natural hair loss remedies you can perform at home:

• Get four tablespoons of henna leaves. Boil them with a cup of mustard oil. After boiling the leaves, filter them and place on a bottle. Then massage them on the bald part of the head regularly. This will serve as an effective hair loss remedy you can apply everyday.

• The seeds of the fenugreek will be grinded with water and applied on the head. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes before washing. Do this for one month. This is also a good hair loss remedy that delivers results.

• Another hair loss remedy is rubbing the scalp with fingers. This is done after washing the hair with cold water. Gently massage your scalp using your fingers, making circular motions on your head.

• You can also try rubbing the bald area with onion until it becomes red. When it now turns to red, apply honey on it. This hair loss remedy is widely used since honey is very affordable.

• Another option is to have a mixture of honey and egg yolk. Massage them properly on the scalp to reach the roots of hairs. Then, leave for half an hour before you wash.

• You can also try a homemade shampoo. Mix five tablespoons of curd and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Add two tablespoons of gram powder, preferably raw. Apply them on the head and wash after an hour. This will serve as a hair loss remedy.

• Juice from the leaves of the amaranth can also be used for hair loss remedy. Just apply them on your hair, even on your bald spot to encourage hair growth.

• Application of the aloe vera is also used by many as a hair loss remedy. For best results, mix the aloe vera with triphala, an herbal powder. Use the mixture for three to six months.

• You can also have home made conditioners as hair loss remedy. Just heat an olive oil or any herbal oil in a small bowl. Then massage them on the scalp. Comb through hair properly, then massage again. For best results, leave them overnight and wash with shampoo.