Halt Hair Loss Immediately With Propecia

Hair loss is generally taken too casually because you take it as regular hair fall. But one should understand the difference between regular hair fall and hair loss diseases. The difference is, hair which fall in accordance to natural cycle are replaced with new hair but this does not happen with hair lost because of hair loss diseases. Hair loss diseases have different sets of factors at their bottom in men and in women.

In men, hair loss generally takes place because of unwanted effects of Testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone, which stimulates the process of conversion of a male child into a grown up man. In its final stage, testosterone after accomplishment of its work synthesizes into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT clogs hair follicles on scalp, which causes thin hair. This is a slowly occurring process that is why you don't pay heed until there are some bald spot on the head. DHT generated hair loss disease is called male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.

Treatment of this type of hair loss is possible with Propecia. Propecia is made up of Finasteride. Finasteride is a special type of steroid type II 5-alpha reductase, which stops conversion of testosterone into DHT. By stopping conversion of testosterone into DHT, Propecia opens up hair follicles. It halts continuously falling hair. Because of Propecia hair loss remedy growth of hair can take place in newly opened hair follicles. Propecia is an oral prescription medication which should not be taken without the prescription of a doctor. Doctors easily prescribe for this medication to healthy people. If you are already on some medication inform your doctor beforehand. While using Propecia stick to guidelines given by the doctor.

Some mild side effects like pruritis, hypersensitivity and decreased libido are related with Propecia. The side effects are there because of the non adjustment of the body to this medication. These side effects take place only in rare cases and disappear after the continual use of medication. If side effects persist for long, contact a doctor immediately.

Propecia is available in 1 mg pill; generally the same amount of medication is prescribed by the doctor. One pill of hair loss Propecia medication should be taken daily with a glassful of plain water. Avoid skipping of dosage because this can reduce effectiveness of the medication. If somehow you have skipped one or more dosage, do not try to compensate it with overdosing because this can be harmful for your health. Some more things which should be followed are never break, crush or chew pills of this hair care medication.

You can get Propecia from your neighborhood pharmacist but chances of being charged with higher rates are very high in the absence of any competitor. Buy Propecia hair loss stopper through an online order and save your valuable money. Generally online pharmacies can deliver Propecia at your doorstep.