Natural Remedies for Hair Loss, Hair Regrowth

There are tons of treatments and remedies for hair loss and finding one, which will work for you can get confusing with so many varied options. However, there are a few natural remedies, which can help in hair loss prevention and promote healthy hair growth. These natural remedies include external application of herbal oils and other hair growth boosting ingredients, along with massage to the scalp in order to rejuvenate it. This article will aim to show you some of the best natural remedies to help you work towards your hair loss problem.

Use fenugreek and soak it in a big pot of water overnight. The next morning, use the solution and rub it into the scalp. Prevent the solution from evaporating by wrapping a towel on the head for a few hours. After that, remove the towel and rinse with clean water. Repeat the process for about 3 to 4 weeks.

Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of amla in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of an equal quantity of fresh amla juice and lemon juice, used as a shampoo also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Rubbing amla into the scalp directly and regularly will stop hair fall.

One of the most effective natural methods to stop and prevent alopecia and baldness is regular scalp massage. Massaging your scalp regularly every day gives you the added benefit of improved blood circulation. This is particularly helpful since poor blood circulation in the scalp area is one of the major causes of hair loss.

Improving the general health of the body creates the conditions that are conducive for hair growth. Eating green vegetables or consuming vegetable juices is one way to boost the immune system of the body. When you consume juices that come from lettuce and spinach, your body absorbs the nutrients and vitamins easily and that helps to promote hair growth.

Next is the Green tea (Camellia sinesis), in order to work effectively in preventing and treating hair loss to male, it is believed that you have to drink several cups of green tea a day or you can take the capsule form. Since it is believed that the cathechins that is found in a green tea can restraint the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT

Biotin is arguably the most capable and important nutrient when it comes to preventing and containing hair loss. Biotin is required for your body to improve healthy development and growth of the hair. You can acquire biotin by eating foods like eggs, cereals and brown rice. Other than that, you can also take a good supplement that contains biotin. Many alopecia sufferers have successfully increased the growth and volume as well as thickness of their hair simply by eating up biotin supplement.