Is Hair Loss Hereditary?

Really, ishairloss hereditary?True there are a significant percentage of people who experience hair loss due to hereditary factors, but there are just as many that lose their hair due to entirely different reasons.

Hereditary hair loss affects mostly men. This is due to the production of the DHT hormone that affects the hair follicles and impedes them in the formation of new hairs. DHT is thought to be a hereditary condition and as such drug companies are working around the clock to develop medications that reverse such hair loss. The main focus of the drug companies is to develop drugs that will block the inhibition of DHT. They do this by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT. A normal person loses an average of 100 hairs per day but because the hair follicle constantly produces new hairs, this loss isn't noticeable and as such a person maintains their full grown hair. However, when DHT blocks the secretion of new hairs by the hair follicle, this makes the hairs lost more than the produced hairs. Therefore a person gradually starts to bald, first by having soft thin hairs and then by losing hair completely. It is hoped that the drugs that have been developed will remedy this situation. Female hair loss however is caused by hormonal imbalances that may or may not be as a result of hereditary factors. When using the prescription drugs, it is important to be aware of the side effects so that you do not end up creating another problem while attempting to regrow your hair. Seek a doctor's opinion on the drugs which you intend to use and this may help save you from many problems. Other factors that cause hair loss are however not hereditary.

One of the major causes of hair loss is stress. Stress narrows the blood vessels and as such less blood flows to the hair follicles where new hairs are produced. As you might be aware, blood carries with it nutrients that are essential for the growth of new hairs. Therefore when the hair follicles do not receive the appropriate nutrients, less hair is grown and therefore balding may start to occur. You can reduce the level of stress by engaging in exercises regularly and by sleeping adequately. Sleep actually helps to clear the mind and put you in a relaxing mood. This speeds up the production of hormones and the growth of cells. You might also try to avoid stressful situations that can lead to a stress build up.

Another cause of hair loss is the intake of inadequate nutrients that help the hair grow. Nutrients such as proteins are vitally important as they help the body to build new cells, hair cells included. Sources of proteins may include animal foods, low fatty foods, etc. Red meat should be avoided since it tends to increase the cholesterol amounts in the body. Other important nutrients include vitamin B6, vitamin A, zinc, copper, folic acid, and iron.

As a final precaution always make sure that you use an appropriate hairstyle; the wrong choice of a hairstyle could result in a substantial loss of your hair.