Products for balding

Hair loss affects many people these days and as such many people are seeking effectiveproducts forbaldingthat can remedy the situation. The products for balding are either natural/herbal or pharmaceutical.

The pharmaceutical or prescription drugs treat mostly the male pattern baldness. Baldness in men is mostly hereditary and is caused by the production of DHT hormone.DHT hormone impedes the growth of hair in the hair follicles and therefore leads to balding. Each normal person loses a certain amount of hair everyday but since the hair follicles quickly produce new hairs, this hair loss is not easily seen.Now,if these hair follicles are hampered from developing new hairs, the amount of hair lost will be more than the replenished hair. Therefore person will first become somewhat bald before becoming completely bald. The prescription drugs attempt to solve this problem by blocking the conversion of the male testosterone hormone to DHT. Therefore, the hair follicles will produce hair as normal and replace the lost hairs. In this way therefore balding is alleviated. Now, these drugs mostly treat the male pattern baldness that is thought to be hereditary and cannot therefore be solved by the traditional methods of treatment. These products may however contain some side effects and therefore it is important to consult your doctor before using them. Some may contain a herbal ingredient such as saw palmetto in order to make them appear more natural and therefore suppress the side effects. These prescription drugs include: Provillus, Procerin, Corvinex, etc. Female pattern baldness is however caused by hormonal imbalances and such drugs may not work for them. Thus it is important to consult your doctor to be sure which product to use.

You may also choose to use herbal products that are cheaper and have fewer side effects. The herbal products that you can use include:

  • Rosemary extracts: This is readily found in many culinary dishes. It stimulates circulation of blood and greatly aids in the growth of new hair. It provides antioxidants that are essential in preventing hair loss.
  • Saw palmetto: This unblocks the hair follicles by the reduction of DHT hormonal level. Some people say that it is more effective than pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Chamomile extract: Chamomile extract conditions the hair and the scalp.
  • Horsetail extract: This extract contains a large amount of chemicals that can be used for strengthening and for growing new hairs.
  • Using Amla oil: Amla oil is made by the boiling of dry pieces of Amla in coconut oil. It greatly aids in the growth of new hair. A mixture of Amla juice and lime juice can indeed be used as a shampoo.
  • Using lettuce: A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice helps the growth of hair if one drinks half a liter a day. It can greatly halt hair loss over a period of time.
  • Amaranth is also a good herbal cure for hair loss. The fresh leaf juice is applied to the hair to avoid hair loss.

Regardless of the product you choose, it is imperative that you be aware of its side effects. Too many people usually use a product without knowing its side effects and eventually find themselves in a huge mess.