How Saw Palmetto Can Halt Your Hair Loss

These days, it seems like more and more men are losing their hair. Whether it is a change in environment, or just a genetic blunder, no man wants to go through the humiliation of the receding hairline. That is why it is so exciting that there is a new product that can help with this problem. Men everywhere are using saw palmetto for hair loss as a way to fight back against the recession that is the closest to home.

The great thing about using saw palmetto for hair loss is that saw palmetto has other characteristics that make it a beneficial supplement for men. It is one of the principal supplements recommended to help fight prostate problems, which is turning into a national epidemic. Saw palmetto has nutritional fatty acids and phytosterols that help the body fight the free radicals that cause genetic mutation. While this is great news for the prostate, this same substance does wonders for the hairline.

Hair loss in men is generally caused by a substance caused DHT. DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a compound that makes body hair grow, deepens the voice, and contributes to many other functions that make boys into men. When the body produces too much of this substance, hair loss is one of the number one indicators.

This is why the use of saw palmetto for hair loss is such a great concept. Both hair loss and prostate health are at the forefront of male health concerns, and men everywhere are killing two birds with one stone. The product is called Provillus, and it is a supplement that carries much more than just saw palmetto. It also has essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate the bodies production DHT, and return to normalcy that chemical production cycles in the body.Â

There are many other schools of thought on how to regrow hair for men. Plastic surgery and hair plugs are options that many men take seriously. The healthy option remains to be using saw palmetto for hair loss. It has too many benefits to pass up. When it is packed into the brilliant formula of Provillus, it is a one-two punch that will make men everywhere feel better about themselves in more ways than one.