How Androgenic Hormones Cause Hair Loss in Women

There are many different types of alopecia and there are hundreds of things thought to cause hair loss in women.  The most common type of alopecia hits menopausal women and it is called androgenetic alopecia.  This affects genetically predisposed women and causes hair loss by way of male hormones called androgens.

The most well-known androgen is testosterone.  High amounts of testosterone call upon images of six foot tall football players with hard muscles and tough guy attitudes.  With testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone or DHT (among others) make up the general grouping of male hormones.  These are produced in the testicles and adrenals in males in high doses and low doses in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women.  These androgens are responsible for distinguishing the male gender.

If a female’s hair follicles are exposed to DHT over time, androgenetic alopecia results.  Therefore, male hormones can actually cause hair loss in women.  There is an enzyme in hair follicles called 5-alpha-reductase.  Women have only half the amount of this than men do and tend to have even less of it in the crown of their head.  The purpose of this enzyme is to convert testosterone into DHT.  When there is too much testosterone in a woman’s system, more will be converted to DHT, therefore more hair loss will occur.

One advantage exclusive to women is an enzyme called aromatase.  This enzyme actually helps block the making of DHT.  While it may not help entirely, aromatase is responsible for women’s tendency to keep their front bangs as it is very concentrated in the front hairline.  So, while the presence of 5-alpha reductase may cause hair loss in women, aromatase may prevent it.

Androgen induced hair loss can happen to women who are going through menopause or those affected by certain disorders that cause an overproduction of male hormones in the body.  Antiandrogen prescription drugs are very popular for treating hair loss in women as androgenetic alopecia is the most frequent reason for diffuse hair loss.
Treatments like Rogaine inhibit 5-alpha-reductase specifically and therefore prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT.  This is why these medications are so widely prescribed to women experiencing hair loss.  The reason why some women are affected by this is because of genetic predisposition, hence the name androgenetic alopecia.  Andro means hormonal and genetic means hereditary.

The specific solution in Rogaine is called minoxidil 2%.  This drug was first used in pill form to treat high blood pressure and a note side effect was increased hair growth.  It was converted into a cream as it cannot absorb far enough into the skin to have any internal effects.  This drug is actually more effective on women than on men and is a miracle to the millions of females struggling with hair loss.

There’s an old joke that all of women’s problems start with men: menopause, menstruation, mental breakdown.  In terms of alopecia, the androgens that come from men really do cause hair loss in women.  It seems the evidence to support the saying just keeps piling up!