Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

It is generally accepted that men will tend to loss their hair as they get older but unfortunately this is quite a common condition amongst women as well. As difficult as it is for a man to come to terms with, it is probably harder for a woman to accept.

Telogen effluvium is a very common cause of hair loss in women and it instigates a widespread thinning all over the body, not just the scalp. This usually occurs when the body is put under a great amount of stress. This could either be physical duress or hormonal and the condition can also be ignited by an adverse reaction to medication. The condition can manifest itself at any age and usually begins quite suddenly. It may right itself over the course of a few months but it can become a lasting problem.

Androgenetic alopecia is another common type of hair loss in women and is linked to hormone levels within the body. It is a genetic condition and relates to the hormonal by-product dihydrotestosterone. This is made from androgens by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase and causes a thinning of the follicles. Some people are naturally predisposed to produce more of this hormone compared to others.

Another cause, although not quite as common as the above, is alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the hair follicles are attacked by white blood cells. This causes shrinkage of the follicles and hair growth can slow at a significant rate. I hope this has been of some help and as always I wish you the best of health.