Hair Loss Info and Advice

Around the world, male pattern baldness is suffered by literally hundreds of thousands of men and is a constant source of embarrassment as some find it hard to adjust. Perhaps the worst part of it all is the fact that it’s happening beyond your control, you just watch it get thinner and thinner.
Many people opt to shave their head and for some men this is a fantastic option as it may really suit them and they can get away with it. These people are the lucky ones as they probably won’t need to give their balding a second thought. For the people who don’t quite feel confident enough to go ahead and shave any remaining hair off, they may consider a hairpiece or plugs. The problem with this is that most people will be able to tell that the hair is artificial and so will perhaps become a little more of an embarrassment than if they stayed thinning.
If you’re not quite ready for a wig then dont worry, you may prefer to try one of the many hair loss products on the market. Each one has a different level of effectiveness and although some may not work on some people, they have a pretty high success rate in hair regrowth.
The good news is that hair loss is massive business and companies spend millions researching and developing the latest products for hair regrowth. You might recognise some popular brands such as Propecia and Rogaine which have both proven to be successful in regrowing hair and preventing further hair loss.
There are a number of things you can consider to thicken thinning hair and even encourage hair growth which will help. Many people take vitamins which will encourage any remaining hair to grow thicker and you could consider taking zinc and vitamin B6. You may also consider reducing your stress levels, hair loss is directly affected by stress so relax!!
One important point to note throughout a hair loss ordeal is that patience is imperative. If you decide to take on a treatment, whether prescription or not, you could be waiting the best part of a year before you see the end result, that said, the result is worth it. Make sure you always read the instructions when beginning a new treatment and if you are still unsure, contact your health care provider. Good luck, from my experience I am confident you will find a treatment to suit you and be happier with your hair.