Diet Fads and How They Affect Hair Growth

It may come as an easy solution for overweight people to get into diets that usually will either require them to skip a meal or just focusing on one food group only. Some people who are heavy on the pounds think this is the best way to lose weight, not knowing that diet fads usually have dire consequences to one's health. For instance, skipping a meal will only lower your metabolism that will make you even hungrier towards the end of the day. It may also cause sudden drops in one's blood sugar level which at the worst can cause dizziness or even fainting.

Fad diets can also have adverse effects on hair growth. In fad diets, there is some emphasis on lowered calorie intake, which means eating less food. When you don't take in the required dietary daily requirements, you are bound to suffer from depletion of vitamins and minerals that are essential to good health. Hair regeneration is one area that will also suffer if you are not ingesting the amount of nutrients needed by your body for cell growth.

A better way to lose weight is by eating more frequent, small portions of food. You should also include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet to benefit from the vitamins and minerals that you can get from these natural products.

It is best to plan your meals, for at least a week, so that you can analyze beforehand if you are getting the right amount of nutrients in your diet. Planning your meals will also help you on your food choices, and will not tempt you to head on to the nearest fast food restaurant when you're hungry. Most of all, when you plan beforehand, you can avoid heavy, fat rich foods and plan the right food substitutes that can still satisfy your hunger. When you plan your meals, you are also avoiding the possibility of losing the minerals that you need to stimulate hair growth.

Drink plenty of water, because water is the best medium for transferring the minerals from the food you eat. Make sure to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, especially when you are on a diet, so as not to get dehydrated.

It is also smart to take some vitamin and mineral supplements such as iron and zinc, which are necessary for hair cell renewal. Include a great deal of protein in your food because protein is essential also for healthy hair growth.

As much as you could, stay away from fad diets, and try to get a good balance of nutrients by eating the right kind of food, at smaller portions. Keep a good regimen of daily exercise to help you quicken your metabolism and lose unwanted pounds.