Do Hair Follicles Grow Back Naturally?Do hair follicles grow back naturally is probably not the first question a person is going to ask, especially if they are just starting to learn about the causes of hair loss. Nevertheless, it is an important question that goes right to the heart of whether or not balding is reversible. In this article titled “Do Hair Follicles Grow Back Naturally” we will briefly cover the hair loss process and present a few ideas as to how you might be able to jump start those dead or dying follicles. Hair loss is a complicated condition that can be caused by any number of things including hormones, heredity, chemotherapy drugs, certain medications, stress, scalp infections, high fever, and glandular disorders. But the truth of the matter is unless follicle damage has occurred, your chances of eventually growing back your hair are very good. On the other hand, conditions which are serial follicle damagers such as hormone driven male and female pattern baldness, menopausal balding, burns resulting in scarring, and prolonged autoimmune disorders may prove to be challenging to reverse. Do hair follicles grow back could be perhaps better framed in the context of whether or not damaged or dying follicles can be revitalized to a point where they actually produce new hair growth. The answer is yes, but it is important to take into account that no one treatment works for everyone. This single fact has lead to quite a bit of confusion, and differing opinions, as to which hair re-growth and/or follicle stimulating products actually work. Two medications have received the FDA stamp of approval for treating hair loss; one topical and the other oral. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the topical solution and must be applied twice daily. Research studies indicate that it is effective in re-growing hair about 30 percent of the time, while slowing the balding process about 90 percent of the time. The oral FDA approved treatment for hair loss is finasteride (Propecia). Finasteride is not suggested for women and is reported to be more effective in men under the age of 50. Men over 50 simply didn’t see the anticipated results. This was a disappointment, since the majority of instances of balding and/or thinning hair occurs in this age demographic. Natural treatments for balding include saw palmetto, nettle, the B vitamin biotin, lavender oil, soybean oil, pumpkin seed oil, jojoba oil, and aloe vera. Scalp massage and exercise have also been mentioned as helpful tools. In summary, when asking do hair follicles grow back, the answer is certainly yes, but the amount of success achieved will ultimately depend of the your unique situation and the treatment approach you choose. What Next? There are currently a handful of hair re-growth products (specially formulated for both men and women) which have been proven effective both in blocking harmful hormones and bringing the all important dead hair follicles back to life. These specially formulated treatments can be used both as a preventative tool, starting before hair loss becomes severe, or after loss of hair has become noticeable. Whatever the level of balding or thinning you are experiencing these products could be just what is needed to overcome this latest life challenge. |