Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - 3 Step System!

What is the /?aid=813919" best hair regrowth treatment on the market?  Any treatment that truly understands the nature of pattern hair loss is one that you will definitely want to try. Fortunately, it is an extremely easy problem to understand, as there is just one simple cause... nutrient-deprived hair follicles!

Not only that, but the causes of your follicles not getting what they need are extremely few in numbers. In all actuality, you will only need to address three. And each of one of these comes complete with its own individual treatment, making total hair restoration possible for countless gentlemen!

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - Hold On A Second:

Before we start celebrating prematurely, however, there is one thing you must understand. The reality is that your condition may not even be treatable. Perhaps you've gone completely bald and are showing patches of scalp with no hair at all.

Sadly, if you are in this stage of your hair loss, you will most likely only benefit from plugs or transplants.  This is not to say you shouldn't seek out advice from a dermatologist or other qualified professional to see what else may work for you.

What I am about to share with you are three steps for hair restoration that have been of great benefit many men withtreatablehair loss. These are 3 simple steps that solve each of the reasons for follicle starvation mentioned earlier. May this serve you well!

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - Step One:

Give those hair follicles what they need!

Makes perfect sense, right? If you're unable to feed your follicles what they're desperate for because you don't have the right food, then how can you expect to reverse your condition?  It simply will not happen.

These ever precious minerals and vitamins include essential fatty acids, zinc, copper, follic acid, magnesium, and the b-complex vitamins.

While it may be true that healthy foods are the best sources of these nutrients, taking a powerful, natural multivitamin supplement will give you exactly the right amounts of what you need every time.  Anyway, healthy food seems to be getting less healthy and more expensive every day!

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - Step Two:

Arrest the murderer!

There is an androgen (male sex hormone) that is literally murdering your follicles slowly.  It's calleddihydrotestosterone, but most people simply know it as dht.  Those of us with pattern hair loss are genetically predisposed to produce way too much of it.

This disgusting androgen clings to your hair follicles, leaving them unable to assimilate proper sustenance from your bloodstream. So basically, dht kills your hair via slow starvation! But it can easily be stopped.

There are many dht blockers available to you these days. One powerful choice among these isfinasteride, better known as Propecia. This medicine is very powerful, highly effective, and FDA approved.

On the downside, serious and potentially long-term sexual side effects have occurred in users of the drug. These include impotence, decreased volume of ejaculate, and decreased libido. And while it's true that these side effects are somewhat rare, accounting for only 1-2% of all reports, a lot of men simply don't believe it's worth the risk.

Many of these men turn to nature in an effort to slow the production of dht in their bodies. A highly revered all-natural dht blocker is the extract ofsaw palmetto.  Others that have been shown effective at blocking dht are pygeum, emu oil, and nettle root extract.   No matter what dht blocker you take, if you want to grow your hair back, you absolutely must take a dht blocker... there's no debate about it!

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - Step Three:

Restore circulation to your scalp!

It doesn't matter how much dht you block or how many vitamins you take. If your blood can't even get to your starving follicles, then your problem isn't going away any time soon.   Makes sense, right?

A great way to promote healthy scalp circulation is withminoxidil. FDA approved and proven to regrow a man's (as well as a woman's) hair, minoxidil is thought to open up the blood vessels in your scalp, enabling them to deliver much-needed nutriment to your weakened follicles.

By simply applying some of the topical to the affected area(s) of the scalp once each day, thousands upon thousands of people have regrown their hair with minoxidil!

Best Hair Regrowth Treatment - Putting It All Together:

By implementing this powerful strategy, you are providing yourself with an excellent chance at full hair restoration. The idea is quite fundamental. You enrich the blood, you free the blood from “attackers,” and you deliver the blood to your sick hair follicles. It is the most complete hair regrowth system you will come across.

One product that performs all three of these essential tasks is /?aid=813919" Provillus .

If your condition is still treatable, and you would like to take a closer look at Provillus, you are invited to do so at this time.

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