Female Hair Loss - Discover The Healthy Solution For Thinning Hair

Although not considered as big a problem in men, female hair loss is something that women fret to happen as they age. There are a lot of factors that affect thinning hair in women but hormones and genes are the usual suspects such as stress levels, diet, illnesses and child birth.

The majority of the women who are experiencing hair loss have a dramatic change in their hormonal level. When the level of their estrogen changes dramatically, one result is often the loss of hair that occurs after pregnancy.

Because of the great hormonal imbalance in the woman’s body during this stage, most women notice hair falling out around 3 to 4 months after they have given birth. So the best way to deal with the loss of hair after childbirth is to pay special attention to your nutrition.

Make sure you get lots of vitamins and minerals to help your body replace all the lost nutrients. Iron and protein are especially helpful to promote hair growth. For instance, good sources for protein and iron are chick peas, spinach and nuts.

But the main reason for female hair loss is a hormonal imbalance. And, the hormone responsible is called DHT. This hormone attaches to your hair follicles causing them to get smaller and smaller then eventually your hair falls out.

However, there is a thinning hair treatment that's safe. A cure that uses proven ingredients which prevents more thinning hair and encourages new growth to occur.

When your estrogen levels change dramatically, the DHT is no longer balanced thus leading to an excess of the hormone. The solution...to block the DHT hormone in a way that's natural, healthy and effective.

The best female hair loss solutions are apt to be ones with proven substances which make use of the FDA approved Minoxidil and natural nutrients. Although Minoxidil doesn't grow new hair, it does work at blocking the DHT so your hair has more time to grow out.

Working with the Minoxidil are natural herb extracts, and one substance also helping to block the DHT is called Horsetail. Other healthy substances like magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and B7 (Biotin) also work together to boost the growth of new healthy hair.

Now that you know female hair loss shouldn't be something to fret over. Simply turn your attention to a healthy natural thinning hair treatment for new hair growth and strength.

Visit my website today and learn more about a female hair loss solution. Stop thinning hair with natural ingredients which promote new hair growth plus give you optimum health.