Medical Conditions and Hair Loss!

Certain medical condition such as non-androgenetic causes including pregnancy, gynecologic problems, birth control pills, and thyroid disease causes hair loss commonly in women. They create diffused pattern in women. This diffuse pattern is a term used when a woman has thin hair all over. It is often seen, that people talk more about men’s baldness as if baldness in women is just not prevalent. But, there is immediate attention that needs to be paid, as this is rare but worse.

Other conditions being menopause and obstetric conditions, Polycystic ovaries, Hormonal imbalances, severe emotional disorder such a s stress and tension, cancerious cells, post pregnancy state, drop in estrogen,  etc.

Medication such as chemotherapy, tablets such as birth pills and others. This will stop when you stop consuming those tablets. In addition to this, colouring your hair with chemicals or ironing, exposure to heat, improper diet and tension may lead to the same. Before you take any treatment, a prior screening of your hair follicle is essential.

Soon after your hair testing, you need to change your diet if it is not adequate for your hair growth. eat lot of green leafy vegetables and iron rich food. Proper diet and exercise will also boost the results of your hair fall treatment.

DHT, commonly known as Dihydrotestosterone a male hormone prevalent in woman damages the hair follicles and further causes hair loss. This can be prevented by estrogen induced into your body. Estrogen is said to boost hair growth, hence a sudden drop in estrogen will also lead to loss of hair; Not to ignore the fact that some medications which affect the hair growth are birth control pills, chemotherapy used to treat cancer and other post surgeries or postpartum surgery and excessive consumption of medicines.

Exposure to chemical hair treatment may not always be helpful in some women. It may further worsen the hormonal conditions in women unlike men. A sample test is always recommended in case of women. Once, your hair problem is resolved, your hair returns back to its normal state.

Reach out to safer modes of hair treatment. It is said that medical therapy works well in combination with hair transplant surgery. As they serve different purposes; the medical hair loss treatment works best to prevent hair loss, whereas, hair restoration surgery is indicated when the hair loss is more advanced. Thicken thin hair and reverse hair loss. Reduce genetic hair loss by attacking androgenic alopecia.