3 Underlying Causes of Hairloss & Treatments available

Hair Loss can be very detrimental to someone's appearance as well as their self-assurance. In today's society people, most commonly men, start to loose hair as they grow older. Over the years hair loss has become less desired as people wish to remain looking young.Unfortunately many people are also suffering from hair loss at an early age; this is common in both women and men.

Prior to the development of hair loss treatment, hair loss sufferers would resort to temporary measures. People would use wigs, fancy hair styles and spray on hair with the intention to disguise thinning hair. Although these measures used to be satisfactory in today's society they could never replace actual hair and the feeling of normality. Advances in the hair loss industry has resulted in a possible answer for all sufferers. This hair loss treatment can take a preventative measure, treat the underlying problem or alternative encourage hair growth.

Make sure to take into account the cause of your hair loss prior to getting treatment. There are many websites online offering quiz's to help you establish the underlying cause of your hair loss. There are three underlying categories for hair loss: Natural, Lifestyle and illness related. Each cause of your hair loss will be treatable in a different method. The major causes or hair loss and natural treatments are listed below.

Natural Causes of Hair Loss- Hormones

Hormone imbalances can be a reason for hair loss in both men and women but mainly in women pre ad post menopause and when their hormone levels change due to child bearing and birth control pills.
Treatment of hair loss due to hormone level changes is in the form of hormone replacements or alternatively time and patience. When your hormone levels are back to normal after pregnancy you will see increase levels of hair growth. If you are going through menopause make sure to test for hormone imbalances, when an imbalance is found your Doctor will be able to prescribe you hormone supplements which will result is hair growth due to balanced hormone levels.

Hair Loss Due To Lifestyle- Poor Nutrition

People with a busy lifestyle will often neglect the significance of a balanced diet and nutrition. A poor diet can result in hair loss as iron and protein are a major cause. The easiest form of hair loss treatment due to poor nutrition is a healthier lifestyle and a balanced diet. Once you are eating a balanced diet you will see increased hair growth with in a couple of months. It is vital for your body's well being that you give it all vitamins and minerals needed to function properly.

Illness Related Hair Loss and Hair Loss Treatment- Diseases

When suffering from diseases such as Lupus, Syphilis and Cancer you may suffer from hair loss. Once cured from the illness you may see an improvement in hair growth but unfortunately a lot of the medication associated with these diseases may also cause hair loss. In order to fight hair loss from disease you may use natural hair loss treatments which can encourage hair growth. There are a lot of natural hair loss treatments which use natural ingredients such as Saw Palmetto or Dong Quai which are DHT blockers.

These are just a few of the underlying reasons for hair loss. On top of natural treatments there is now laser hair treatment, the most famous one being Advanced Hair. Although Laser hair replacement can lead to good results it can also be very invasive and pain full. When deciding on the hair loss treatment for you, make sure to check the ingredients in a treatment as well as side effects.