What Makes Provillus Hair Loss Treatment Effective

Provillus hair loss treatment is considered by many as the most effective treatment option against hair loss. The medication includes Minoxidil, the only ingredient approved by the FDA for hair regeneration. Minoxidil has been proven effective in promoting hair cycling and stopping the production of telogen while prolonging anagen production in the body.

Aside from Minoxidil, the product also contains essential vitamins and minerals found effective in stimulating hair growth. These include Vitamin B6 which is an important nutrient for hair growth and overall health. Provillus also has Biotin which supports hair, skin, and nail growth while assisting in metabolism of fat and carbohydrates. The product also has Zinc which is known to boost immunity of the body against various diseases while promoting healthy skin, nails, and hair.

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This effective hair loss treatment also has Saw Palmetto which can block testosterone's damaging effect on hair growth aside from acting as an overall tonic. There is also Nettle root which is used in cleaning and has been tapped as hair tonic for many years. Another important ingredient of Provillus is Pumpkin seed which balances the level of testosterone in the body.

Another important ingredient of this effective hair loss treatment is Siberian Ginseng which is known to provide energy and strength to its users aside from facilitating hormonal balance that can result to prevention of hair loss. There is also two herbal ingredients- Muria Pauma and Uva-Ursi- both of which are said to be effective in promoting virility among men.

Provillus hair loss treatment is made up of these important and effective ingredients for hair retention and growth. Along with the all-natural medication that Provillus is, users of this product would be happy to know that the medication will not cause any side-effects and at the same time ensuring healthy hair growth.