Hair Loss Why Do We Lose Hair?

Hair loss… is it an inevitable part of the human experience? If so, why do some people seemingly escape this fate, while others experience hair loss at even an early age?

Genetics:Yes, genetics plays a part in hair loss. Male pattern baldness (where hair loss is greatest on the top of the scalp but leaves the tell-tale "monks ring" of hair on the sides and back) seems to run in families. If your grandfather and father had this type of hair loss, the odds are that you will experience it also.

Disease:Certain diseases do affect hair growth and hairloss . An overactive or under active thyroid can cause hair loss. Hormonal imbalances also can start the hair loss process. Fungal infections can cause hair loss, especially in children. Diabetes and lupus (an autoimmune disease) are still other conditions that precipitate hair loss.

Stress:Severe stress, such as that which happens after a major surgery or even going through childbirth, can likewise cause temporary hair loss.

Medicines:Anticoagulants, antidepressants, gout medicine & birth control pills all can affect hair loss.

Cancer Treatments:Cancer chemotherapy treatments are well known to cause hair loss . Chemotherapy works by killing off rapidly dividing cancer cells. However, the powerful chemicals in chemo preparations can't distinguish between friend and foe. Since hair follicles are some of the fastest dividing cells in the body, they too are affected – and hair loss results.

Can Hair Loss Be Stopped, Slowed – or Even Reversed?

One thing about hair loss to remember is this: Once a hair follicle dies, that's it. Nothing on earth can bring a dead follicle back to life and make it grow hair again. If hair loss is due to disease or stress, then the condition may improve if the underlying causes are addressed.

With chemotherapy, hair loss usually stops after treatments are ended.

The HairBeam

One way to prevent or even reverse hair loss is by direct bio-stimulation of the hair roots. Medical grade infra-red lasers operating at above 780 nm (invisible to the naked eye) directed into the scalp can rejuvenate and stimulate sluggish or failing hair follicles.

A German engineered instrument called the HairBeam is one of the most effective tools for combating hair loss. Incorporating medically approved focused IR lasers, the HairBeam has been scientifically proven to slow down and even reverse hair loss in clinical studies. Absolutely safe, it can even be used alone or in conjunction with any other hair loss treatments.

To find out more about preventing or reversing hair loss, please visit: