Eclipta Alba

Eclipta Alba is a well known plant all over the world. It is commonly known as false daisy. It belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is a creeping plant found in wet and moist places. It is well distributed all over the world. But it is very commonly seen in India, China, Thailand and Brazil.

This plant has several medicinal uses. The extract from the leaves of this plant is a powerful liver tonic. It is used in the treatment of athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis. It is also used in the treatment of scorpion stings. It is also used in snake bites. In China and Brazil it has the status of powerful ant venom. It is used in tooth ache. The plant is rubbed on the gum to alleviate pain. For headache the juice of the plant is applied with some oil. A black dye obtained from the plant is used for dyeing hair. The fresh juice of the plant can be used as an ear and eye drop to treat otitis and conjunctivitis respectively to relieve pain. It helps to minimize high blood pressure and bad cholesterol level in the blood.

It helps to heal several psychological problems like memory loss, mental stress, anxiety, and lack of concentration. It is a good sleep inducer so it can be used to treat insomnia. It is helpful in correcting short-sightedness. It cures the wounds caused by burning. It can remove the scar formed due to burn. Thus it treats everything. Many of the therapeutic uses of Eclipta Alba have been confirmed by modern research.

It is one of the best known plants to induce hair growth and prevent balding. It is also good for premature greying. In India this plant is known as Bhringaraj. It is a Sanskrit word and it means that which gives hair the marvellous colour like that of a humming bee. In ayurveda this plant is also referred as King of hair. Regular intake of the juice of plant induces luxurious hair growth. Application on the scalp is also good. Boil the leaf juice with coconut or sesame oil.  Apply this oil on the head. This is very good for hair growth.