SECRET Tricks & Tips for Growing Healthy, Thicker Hair

First you need a <b><a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">natural hair extensions</a></b>. Why? Will show you why herein. Make sure you have the right one for you and one that has no clips, glues or things that can further damage your hair. Be Careful.

Hair can be thin and baby fine at birth and naturally appear un-healthy. Not only do we encounter stress, lack of proper nutrients, bad lifestyle habits but hair naturally breaks and re-grows so we need to increase the strength of the hair follicle plus encourage our body to grow new hair.

First our care of our hair is a primary issue. Treat your hair like you WANT it to grow. This is why a <b><a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">natural hair extensions</a></b> can help us with this. Why shampoo your hair every day and strip it of its natural lubricants? Yes, I know. It looks dirty, right? So, a natural hair extensions can cover up most of your own hair. Instead shampoo your own hair every 3 to 5 days. In fact if your scalp is dry, you might want to go longer. You will find this amazing and notice a definite thickening of the follicle. Research shampoos and conditions and find ones that encourage growth with no breakage. You might even try to contact a 'hair growth' clinic to ensure you get the quality you need. Stay away from cheapies. Treat your hair like it is fragile when you shampoo and condition it. Be gentle and use proper massage techniques

Give your hair a 'rest'. When you are sick, you go to bed so your body can heal itself. Your hair is obviously not healthy so it is sick and needs it's rest for a time. Again, treat your hair like it is fragile. There are proper massages, proper combings and even other tricks to implement to enhance your good care of your hair. Using natural hair extensions will allow you to give your own hair the rest it needs so it can become healthy again.

Stress and bad lifestyle habits might be things you cannot or dont want to change but you can still grow healthy hair. It just might take a little longer. Using the tips herein will still benefit your hair.

Nutrients are another major factor impacting our hair health. Our lives are so busy there is just no way to eat properly or to take massive amounts of herbs, vitamins, etc. so keep this simple. We can use Vitamin E which is for our skin, hair and nails. A decent amount of 1,000 mg a day should be enough. The other major vitamin is an un-tested theory that has worked well for alot of people and that is a prenatal vitamin. Vitamins that are coated are poorly processed by the body as the acid in the stomach has to firstly dissolve the coating which, by this time, the body is disposing of the vitamin leaving it without the desired affect of the vitamin. Prenatal vitamins usually are not coated and contain extra amino acids which are for hair, skin and nails. I have been told that we cannot overdose on vitamins so they should not hurt us as our body will just simply eliminate the excess. Yes, men too have successfully taken these as it appears there is nowhere else you can get all the ingredients in a prenatal vitamin in one place.

Drink at least one bottle of bottled water per day. Your body needs water for growth and health. If you can handle 3 or a day, that is even better but make sure it is at least one.