What to Expect After You Start Losing Hair

You can expect to go bald if you resign yourself to fate, because hair loss does not stop itself automatically. Though you may not go bald very soon [because that takes around 5 to 10 years time] you certainly will not look your best within 8 to 12 months. But if you start taking preventive steps at the outset there is a high chance that you will arrest hair loss before it destroys your looks.

There are various methods you can try to this end. You can try various medicines that available in market. You can go for herbal preparations. But I would suggest first of all determine why you are losing hair. Unless you know why you are losing hair your efforts may just beat about the bush.

Ask yourself questions like:

Are there people in my family tree who are bald?

Do I have dandruff?

Is my diet well-balanced?

If there are people in your family who are bald there is a chance that you will face hair loss problem early in your life. But that does not necessarily mean you will go bald. What that exactly means is there will be a tendency of losing hair but you can counter it through proper care of your hair and keep baldness at bay.

Dandruff can be a real enemy and if you are afflicted by dandruff, lose no time, consult your doctor. Because there are various medicated shampoos available that can completely cure your dandruff problem if applied as per your doctor's direction.

If above two points are not applicable to you, you need to focus on your diet to see if it is well-balanced, rich in protein and contains all required vitamins and minerals. Apart from your diet you need to ensure that you are never dehydrated because dehydration can really weaken the hair follicles and take the shine away from your hair.