Replace your embarrassing bald head with a healthy Hirsute

Hair fall-progression towards baldness

Hairs are one of the various precious gifts which everyone has got from God. They not only add to our physical beauty but also prevent us from harmful rays of sun, and can even prevent severe head injuries. Due to numerous reasons, sometimes it happens that we loose hair. Some of the reasons can be hormonal problems, accidents, seasonal changes, use of non suiting products, chronic diseases like cancer, and even hypertension. Life now days has become full of tensions and complications that it results in an untimely hair fall. What to talk of aged people, even school going children are not being spared out of this problem of baldness. Pollution is the most common reason of all. Another reason leading to hair fall is ageing. As a person attains certain age, the hair roots tend to weaken and steadily result in hair loss and ultimately baldness. The problem of hair fall is not limited to one country or nation, it's worldwide.

How and why

The reasons for hair fall (baldness) different in males and females:

In male pattern baldness, reasons may be hormonal imbalance due to genetic predisposition, which is hereditary sensitivity and of male genetic hair follicle. Second, very popular, ageing. With age, normal working of internal body cells and tissues slows down, consequently, the rate of hair growth also become slow and ultimately after some time it stops. Moreover, roots of hair also loose their hold and hair fall begins. This ultimately results in baldness which usually starts with disappearing hairline. After that are the external factors in which smoking holds a big contribution. According to a research, boys who start smoking in their early ages suffer from untimed baldness. The frightening fact is that smokers falling under the age group 18 to 45 years are prone to baldness than non smokers. Other reasons comprise of long term illness like a cardiac disease, diabetes etc. which enhance rate of hair loss.

In female pattern baldness, reasons differ from male pattern baldness. Females as their physical capabilities are concerned possess a sensitive immune system prone to diseases. Here hormonal imbalances occur mainly after they get a menopause. Due to lesser production of estrogen, scalp weakens and hairs become thinner. No doubt, as in male pattern baldness, genetics contribute as a reason of hair fall, in female pattern baldness also hereditary factors play a similar role. Pregnancy becomes another reason for frequent hair fall in females. They also share some reasons with male baldness like hypertension, smoking etc.

Getting out of it

Every problem has a solution. For baldness also, there are numerous treatments available in medicinal world. One can go through various surgeries and get a new hirsute but an upcoming treatment is being provided through non surgical hair replacements and hair thinning treatment, hair graft custom programme, hair integration programme, hair voluminising programme etc. and many more.

Why non surgical hair replacement

Whenever we hear the word surgery, our mind starts thinking of various procedures a person has to go through for it. With advancement in every field, non surgical hair replacement treatment has also gained popularity. It is considered to be the safest and painless treatment without facing any embarrassment.

Most of the hair regaining treatment centers considers no difference between male baldness pattern and female baldness pattern. But we at Hair confidence understand regard and the two as entirely different. Hair confidence, comprising of expert team and qualified staff ensure you an exclusive and unique hair replacement treatment without any surgery or side effects.