Medtronic Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Defective Spring Fidelis Defibrillator Leads

Every year thousands of people suffer injury due to defective products. A defective product is a product that results in injury to a person when he used that product. A product could be defective due to several reasons. It’s design could be defective, it might not be fit for use, it might be made from material which is defective or it might not have a suitable warning label. A defective product lawsuit could be the outcome of pure negligence, harsh legal responsibility or violation of guarantee. A Medtronic class action lawsuit can be considered a good example of a defective product lawsuit.

The defective product lawsuit is made on the basis of the jurisdiction within which the claim falls. It doesn’t really matter if the injury is small or big. You must file a defective product lawsuit if you are to enjoy your legal rights. A defective product lawsuit comprises of two important parts – the damages and the liability. Damages talk about the degree of the injury or loss endured by the user as a result of negligence on the manufacturer’s part.

You often find a new Medtronic class action Lawsuit being filed over the defective Medtronic defibrillator. The Medtronic class action lawsuits claim that the manufacturer did not caution the patients who had the defective defibrillators implanted in time. The Medtronic leads which were recalled in the October of 2007, have been associated with injuries after the wire which connects the defibrillator to the heart gets detached giving an enormous electric shock or stops delivering adequate shocks resulting in even a few deaths.

As per several Medtronic class action lawsuits, the Medtronic Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Lead recall happened a bit too late although the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) as well as the company were very much aware of the perils linked with these defective defibrillators for several months before the real Medtronic recall in the October of 2007.

Come January 2007, Medtronic had received as many as 700 reports on injury as result of the defective Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Leads. This number increased to almost 800 in April and crossed 1000 come June. The Minneapolis Heart Institute told Medtronic that February that they would not be using the Medtronic Leads any more but would opt for a different kind of lead that had a lesser risk of injury. The FDA as well as Medtronic both did nothing to protect new patients from receiving implants of this defibrillator which was already known to be defective.

If a near and dear one of yours had this defective product replaced or is planning on a replacement, he could be the recipient of compensation no matter whether he suffered due to problems from surgery or from the device. There are a lot of agencies which have specialized Medtronic lawsuit attorneys who give you even free evaluation of your case. Some even have a nurse on their staff to answer any questions you might have about defects in Medtronic pacemakers or a possible Medtronic class action lawsuit.

Defective product lawsuits call for the lawyer to have plenty of knowledge and experience as well as resources as skilled witnesses will cost plenty of money. You must be careful when you choose a lawyer as not all of them have the resources or links to get skilled witnesses for a preliminary assessment.

If you win a Medtronic class action lawsuit, you will receive compensation or money for your medical bills and repayment for damaged property or loss of work as a result of the defective product. You are also eligible to receive compensation for any suffering and pain that the defective product might have caused you.