Hair loss in young women is relatively uncommon but is not unheard of. Whilst male pattern baldness in men is much more common, in some cases right from their teenage years, thinning hair in young women is unusual. However it does occur and here's 6 reasons why a young woman might be noticing some form of balding, and how to restore hair growth for those women.
1. Childbirth can cause some balding in young women or older women however this is relatively normal, though not common, and should reverse itself after the event.
2. Hormonal imbalances can also cause a young woman to experience hair loss, sometimes sudden hair loss. Hormonal imbalances can occur for a range of reasons and if you're a young woman experiencing hair thinning you ought to consult your doctor to see if there is some underlying medical problem that needs treatment. Once the hormonal imbalance is treated the hair thinning should reverse.
Hormonal imbalances can also occur from starting or changing some forms of birth control method and your doctor also should be asked if this applies to you.
3. Young women can also suffer from a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects around 5 percent of young women and can itself result in some form of thinning hair in young women. It is a result of overproduction of the hormone testosterone and can also cause an increase in the growth of hair on the body, the legs and chest just as increase in testosterone does in men.
Polycystic ovary syndrome can be difficult to treat but if treated successfully the thinning hair should reverse.
4. Thyroid problems can cause hair loss in young women and again it would be normal to expect the balding to reverse once the thyroid problem is successfully treated.
5. Young women are extremely conscious of their looks and many seek to diet to lose weight. Whilst losing weight is a good thing many fad diets and crash diets are extremely low in essential nutrients. Just like the other organs in the body your hair needs an adequate supply of nutrients to be healthy and if your hair is deprived of adequate nutrients by reason of your diet it can become unhealthy, thin and die.
If this is the case you should restore a diet high in essential nutrients found in fresh fruit and vegetables, and this should reverse your hair loss as well as improve your health and help with your weight control program.
6. And finally one of the major causes of hair loss in women, including thinning hair in young women, though more common in older women, is female pattern baldness. Just like men women can also suffer genetically inherited hair thinning though this usually manifests itself differently to the way it does in men and tends to result more in thinning of the hair than in complete bald patches.
Regardless it is still embarrassing and young women with thinning hair due to female pattern baldness often feel very upset about this.
The good news is that the FDA have approved one product for use as a hair restoration product for women, and this product is called minoxidil and it is approved at a 2 percent concentration. Studies have shown that this will, for many women though not all, restore hair growth in cases of female pattern baldness.
The actual mechanism in female pattern baldness is that a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) slowly strangles the hair follicle and reduces its ability to absorb nutrients thereby decreasing the health of the hair leading to hair thinning and eventually to individual hairs dying and falling out. These are not replaced as effectively as they would be normally.
Minoxidil is thought to improve the blood flow to the hair follicle thereby improving the supply of nutrients. One company has seen an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of minoxidil by including a range of essential hair nutrients to be taken orally with 2 percent minoxidil on the premise that if the minoxidil increases the blood flow to the hair follicle then the hair regrowth should occur better when all essential hair nutrients are available.
This approach seems to work.
So there you have 6 causes of hair loss in young women. If you're a young woman experiencing thinning hair, and in particular sudden or patchy hair loss, you should consult your doctor. If you are suffering from female pattern baldness the good news is that there is an approved product that has been clearly shown to the satisfaction of the FDA to reverse hair loss in women.
To find out which product combines minoxidil with a range of essential hair nutrients to improve your likely outcome visit my website.