Hair Loss TreatmentsThe desire to avoid hair loss is not confined to our time. Inancient Egypt, men used to rub fat from crocodiles, snakes,lions, and other animals on their head in hopes of preventing ortreating hair loss. Julius Caesar and Napoleon also experiencedhair loss and tried to conceal it by growing their hair long inthe back and combing it forward over their heads. Today, thismotivation to avoid balding is still evident. There are many available hair loss remedies that include creams,vitamins, hormones, wigs, hairpieces, hair transplants, andscalp-reduction procedures. A report filed recently by the FDAstated that in a nine year time-span, about 300,000 hair losstreatment products claiming to help hair regrowth wereinvestigated. Non-surgical treatment options also include hair additions suchas hair weaves, hairpieces and toupees. These devices are madeof human hair, synthetic fibers or a combination of both.Constructed in a variety of ways, these hair loss aides can giveyou the look of having a full, natural head of hair without theexpense of costly surgeries or expensive medicines. If typical hair loss treatment products aimed to slow down orstop hair loss are ineffective and you have the time and money,there are surgical treatments for hair-loss. Hair transplantsurgery is costly and sometimes painful. During surgery, healthyhair follicles are taken from the back and sides of the head andtransplanted onto other areas of the scalp where they replacedead follicles. This treatment option typically takes from oneto two years to be complete and can have mixed results. It isbest to talk to and meet people treated by the doctor you areseeing so you can be sure the results are similar to yourexpectations before going through with the treatment |