Treatment for Baldness - is There any Hope?

Are you or someone you love suffering the negative emotions associated with baldness? You know what I mean, depression, embarrassment and social anxiety being around others wondering what they may think of you. Your focus then I'm sure is finding a treatment for baldness as quickly as possible.

The first thing you need to know is that baldness should not be allowed to determine your life. There are remedies that you can use that cure baldness in both men and women. Just a side note that none of the remedies that I am aware of at this point can cure baldness associated with chemotherapy. They can only address natural hair loss.

If you're looking for a treatment for baldness here are a few to consider;

Scalp Massage -One factor that helps to maintain a full head of hair is proper blood circulation in the scalp. Massaging of the scalp naturally increases blood flow to this area so is an excellent, simple yet effective method to boost hair growth and possibly hair regrowth as well.

Protein Oils- Hair is primarily made up of protein so many believe that you need to maintain your hair by rubbing in certain oils.

DHT Inhibitor -DHT also known as dihydrotestosterone which is a hormone that attaches itself to hair follicles and basically chokes them off of nutrients they need to continue growing. When choked off for a sufficient length of time the follicles eventually die and the hair falls out creating the baldness effect. One oil you could consider is Saw Palmetto oil as this is a natural DHT inhibitor so you could rub this onto your scalp.

Combination Strategy -There is a product in the marketplace that has the only FDA approved ingredient for hair regrowth and they recommend a strategy that combines massaging the scalp with a topical solution as well as taking a natural supplement that aids in hair regrowth.  It's name is Provillus and following the link below will take you to where you can read all about it and order your supply.

Baldness can be a challenge especially for women, however, there are natural solutions available in the marketplace so do your research and you will eventually find what works for you. Treatment for baldness is at hand so follow through to the links below and solve this problem once and for all.