Uncover The Secret To Reverse Crown Balding And Have A Healthy Hair Growth Rate

Are you sick and tired of falling hair that no treatment is able to cure? This is a very common problem and affects over 85 million people in this country. Let’s find out why crown balding really happens and how to prevent it effectively.

Now, first off let’s eliminate two possibilities upfront. If you are having some hormonal changes in your body like that happens in a thyroid disorder, then the loss of hair may be a side effect of that. There is nothing wrong with your hair and you do not any treatment for your crown balding.

Even heavy medication can cause a degree of hair loss which should stop once the medication is over. Here also you do not need any help for your hair.

On the other hand, if you are predisposed for genetic baldness, then things become more serious.

In this condition, the hair follicles in your scalp shrink and stop producing new hair. This happens when the male hormone Androgen reacts with the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme and produces a substance known as DHT (Dihydrotestostrone).

This DHT latches on to the follicles and prevents them from accessing the blood supply. This causes them to shrink and they stop producing new hair.

This is what causes the crown balding and slowly leads to complete baldness.

There are a number of ways people try to combat this problem. Some opt for hair transplants, some start taking pills to stop the hair loss. The truth is, neither of them is the optimal solution for this problem.

Hair transplants are not only very expensive; they also do nothing to solve the root cause of the problem – the DHT in the blood. So you have to keep repeating the treatment again and again.

Taking pills may provide better results, but at a high cost - they can cause serious side effects like depression, infertility and low libido.

A much safer option is to use a2% Minoxidilsolution. This ingredient has tremendous anti DHT properties and reduces its levels in the blood.

This helps in reviving the hair follicles and they become capable of producing new hairs once again.

Just remember, crown balding doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a gradual process. Similarly, the hair will also take some time to grow. So be patient and give enough time to Minoxidil to work its magic on your hair.

So go ahead and try this amazing ingredient and stop your crown balding from spreading. For more information on how it works, visit my website now.