How to Remove Unwanted Hair


Electrolysis is a growing trend in hair removal. In electrolysis, a technician uses a needle to project an electric current or radio wave energy into each hair follicle, one at a time. This destroys the follicle at the root and prevents hair from growing back. Electrolysis typically takes longer than laser hair removal but permanently removes hair from the treated area. It is ideal for permanent eyebrow shaping and hairline corrections. If you opt for electrolysis, you must ensure that you are treated by a licensed electrologist. The price of the treatment depends on the length of the session, ranging from $30 for a 15-minute session to $70 for a 60-minute session. In some cases, electrolysis can be painful. However, it is a good choice for those who have very light skin and gray hair and for whom laser treatment is not suitable.


A depilatory is a cream or liquid that removes hair from the skin's surface. They work by reacting with the protein structure of the hair, so the hair dissolves and can be washed or wiped away. Depilatories work quickly, are readily available at drugstores and grocery stores, and are inexpensive. They're best on the leg, underarm, and bikini areas; special formulations may be used on the face and chin. Read product directions carefully and be sure to apply the product only for the recommended amount of time for best results. Before using a depilatory on pubic hair, read product labels to find one that says it's safe to use on the "bikini" area or genitals.


This is the most common method, probably because it is non-time consuming. You can shave the hair on your legs and underarms, but avoid shaving the arms, bikini line or face. Never shave dry skin - when the hair is wet, it is much more pliable, therefore always use a special shaving gel or lotion, and ensure your razor is sharp. It is recommended to invest in a good quality razor designed especially for women and change the blade regularly, or if you use disposable razors, make sure you do not use them when they become blunt. On legs, shave against the area of growth, although take care not to go over the same area repeatedly, as this can cause hairs to become ingrown. The effects of shaving do not last long and may need to be repeated on a daily basis.


The area is required to have full hair growth to start with. It is shaved with the help a medicinal cream and post shaving laser beams are roamed over that area to stop re-growth. Since, all hair is not alike, laser beams work differently on differently shaped, and pigmented hair re-growth doesn’t stop in one go. However in some cases it might. Heat is created when laser light passes over skin and it targets the melanin in the follicle and hair. When the follicle heats up (if it is in its active phase) its ability to produce hair is disabled and no damage is caused to the closely located tissues.


This can be done by a beautician or at home with a special home waxing kit, however you must take care to read the instructions and follow them directly. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root; therefore it is the method with the most long lasting effects. Unfortunately it is also one of the most painful. It is used on the legs, underarms, bikini line and eyebrows.