More and more people are suffering from premature hair loss today, partly due to poor diets and lifestyle choices, but the main cause is hormonal. Whatever the cause, it can be reversed once you know the right ingredients to use.

Premature hair loss affects over 30 million women and 50 million men in the US, and starts to become more noticeable with thinning around the crown until eventually a bald spot appears.

The good news is that you can take steps to stop it in its tracks and encourage new healthy hair by using the right ingredients including herb extracts, vitamins and minerals.

This is because the main cause is a hormone called DHT which leads to thinning hair which eventually falls out. The right blend of synergistic nutrients helps to block the DHT and promote new growth.

The best one for men is called Saw Palmetto and was originally used to treat prostate disease until its hair growing properties were discovered. It comes from dwarf palms grown in the US and gives men the double advantage of new hair and a healthy prostate.

Others include Nettle Root, Muira Puama and one that’s great for women called Horsetail. These have been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine to help with a wide range of ailments, including boosting circulation and immune system function.

Due to our poor diets it is also great to build a solid nutritional foundation to make sure you keep and maintain the hairs you have with the most effective ones for the job being vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc and Biotin, which is from the B complex family.

Along with another ingredient, Minoxidil, which you apply topically to your scalp, these are the best way to prevent premature hair loss available today.

The earlier you start the more success you will have as this natural way will gradually build your hair back up over the months – no overnight cure I’m afraid!

You can also be safe in the knowledge that they are promoting your overall health too, and well as returning your hair and your confidence.

Visit my website today to learn more about preventing premature hair loss with these natural substances that are excellent for promoting new hair growth and optimum health.