What Causes Hair Loss in Women and How To Prevent It

What causes hair loss in women is increasingly becoming a more common question, with over 30 million women in the US alone suffering from it. Once you know the most likely cause you can find the most effective solution.

The most common cause is not genetic but actually hormonal. Changes in hormone levels, such as those seen with menopause, pregnancy, thyroid conditions, stress, poor diet or the stopping or starting of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy are what causes hair loss in women.

The main one however is hormonal and down to one in particular called DHT. Women have this even though it's a by-product of testosterone, and what this does is attach to the follicles, forcing the hair to become thinner until it eventually falls out,

This type is called androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness and is usually a thinning all over rather than being centred on the crown like men. It is very common after the menopause as the estrogen levels drop and these previously high estrogen levels were responsible for keeping the DHT in check.

So what is the best way to remedy it?

Currently the best solution is a combination of natural nutrients and Minoxidil. Herb extracts like Horsetail and vitamin B6, Biotin, zinc and magnesium all help to block the DHT and provide you with a solid nutritional foundation to build healthy hair, skin and nails.

Minoxidil is a recently FDA approved ingredient you apply to your scalp to compliment the other nutrients to block the DHT and so promote new healthy hair.

Now this is no miracle cure but rather a natural and gradual return to a full head of hair that happens over many months, so you will need to be patient!

Now you can see what causes hair loss in women and the best ingredients to reverse it, you can confidently go about selecting the very best and give yourself the best chance of restoring your hair to the way it was.

Visit my website today to learn more about a cure for hair loss with these natural substances that is excellent for promoting new hair growth and optimum health.