How To Prevent Hair Loss On The Cheap Without Any Side Effects

Are you sick and tired of falling hair that just refuse to stop no matter which treatment you try? You are not alone. Millions of people struggle to prevent hair loss and keep on trying one treatment after another. Let’s see what’s the way out here.

To effectively prevent hair loss, you need to find out why it’s happening in the first place.

In some people, this problem may occur as a temporary reaction to hormonal disturbances in the body. So if you have a thyroid disorder or you’re a woman undergoing menopause or a pregnancy, then there would be a lot of hormonal changes in your body.

These changes can cause a loss of hair as a side effect. This is a temporary phenomenon – there is nothing wrong with your hair as such.

If you are taking some strong medications for a health problem, then also your hair may fall in an unusual quantity. This is a side effect of the medicines and doesn’t signify anything wrong with your hair. Once the medication stops, your hair should be back to normal again.

Where this problem becomes more serious is when the loss of hair is due to hereditary factors. If baldness runs in your family then chances are high that you too would be affected by it sooner or later.

In this genetic baldness, the Androgen hormone in the body reacts with an enzyme and produces a substance known as DHT (Dihydrotestostrone).

This DHT attaches to the hair follicles and prevents them from accessing the oxygen rich blood supply. This deprivation slowly causes them to shrink and their hair becomes thinner.

Finally a stage arrives when the hair dies off and the follicle is rendered incapable of producing any more hair.

This is the reason behind thinning of hair and baldness.

An effective solution to prevent hair loss is the FDA approved ingredientMinoxidil. It has anti androgen properties that help in reducing the hormone levels in our blood.

This helps in further reducing the production of DHT in the body and helps revive the follicles, which then start producing new hair once again.

Here’s a tip. Use Minoxidil in a lotion form so that you can apply it directly on you scalp. It would be more effective than taking it as part of a pill. It will also be easy on your pocket and wouldn’t cause any side effects too.

So go ahead and try out this effective ingredient and see how it transforms your hair line. To know more on how it helps prevent hair loss, visit my website now.