What Is The Best Hair Loss Product For Natural Hair Re-Growth?

If you want to know what is the best hair loss product out there, you have come to the right place. With so many products and treatments available, how do you choose the best one out of them? Let’s find out the answer to this question now.

The answer to the question - what is the best hair loss product, depends to a degree on your particular situation.

Some people experience hair fall due to hormonal changes in their body. So if you have a thyroid disorder, or if you are a woman undergoing menopause or a pregnancy, the hormonal changes in the body may have some effect on your hair too.

In this case, what you need is something to calm down your hormones. Consult your doctor for this and take the required course of action. No hair treatment as such is required here.

On the other hand, if you are suffering from Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) or Female Pattern Baldness (FPB), then it becomes a more serious matter.

These are genetic conditions and require specific treatments. In this disorder, the Androgen hormone present in the body is converted into a substance called Dihydrotestostrone (DHT) by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.

This DHT chokes the blood supply to your hair follicles and causes them to shrink. The hair becomes thinner and then fall off. The follicles lose their ability to produce new hair.

With the old hairs falling off and no new ones to replace them, it’s only a matter of time before baldness takes over your scalp.

The Solution
Instead of harmful hair loss products like pills that can cause serious side effects like infertility, impotence and depression, you need to look for a better and natural treatment.

The answer to the question what is the best hair loss product, lies in the FDA approved ingredientMinoxidil. This ingredient inhibits the DHT in the blood stream and allows the oxygen rich blood to reach the follicles and rejuvenate them.

The follicles then regain their size and again start producing healthy hair.

Add on herbs like Saw Palmetto and Nettle root, and you have the best method of hair growth right in your hands.

So if anyone asks you now what is the best hair loss product, you know the answer. Just avoid dangerous pills and think natural. If you want more information, visit my website now.