Hair Transplant Women ? When You Can and Why You Usually Can't<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->
While it is true that most of the hairproductsthat work to restore hair, work about as well on women as men, theserviceofhair transplantationis a completely different story. Take a few minutes to understand why if you are a female losing your hair--surgical restoration isprobably, notfor youandfind out if you're one of the few exceptions Even though ninety percent ofmenwith progressive hair loss can benefit from hair transplantation surgery, the plain fact is that only between 2%-5% ofwomencan.While the loss of hair itself is caused by the same thing in both sexes, (the hormone DHT) the difference is that in men there is generally a "pattern" of baldness and a part of that pattern is that the sides and back of a man head serve as "stable sites"needed for donor hair. Women's hair loss is more diffuse. Hair is thinning throughout the head with no reliable pattern and no stable sites and in effect, no donor hair. Hair transplanted from the back and sides of the head would likely fall out. You may benefit from surgical hair restoration under the following conditions
As with anything else, the best way to choose a treatment is to discover the specific cause of hair loss. If you have a Doctor that you trust--go to your doctor and share your concerns. Your doctor may not have the specialized knowledge to help you himself but he/she should be able to refer you to someone who does. (that's where the trust comes in). |