Proactiv Alternative (a Proactive Review)

This review is my answer to the question - Does Proactiv Work?

I am an ex-acne sufferer. Here is my story and my experience with Proactiv Solution.

My Acne

Growing up I had the normal adolescent acne. You know those bumps kids get in their preteens, but mine were never really severe. That is until later in life in my twenties. That is when my face starting breaking out in a very bad way. I had pimples on the forehead and chin, and I also had very severe cystic acne on my cheeks. I would have at least 15 or 20 bumps on my face all at once at any given time. They were ugly and they hurt.

What I Tried

Well, I tried washing my face over and over with all types of acne wash, I tried ridiculous remedies I found on the Internet, one where I had to eat a bushel of apples and other things I really do not care to discuss (this did not work by the way). I tried popping them. I tried covering them with makeup. Both of these things made the acne worse, of course. I tried everything I could think of that was short of taking prescription medication or using something dangerous like Accutane. I wanted an alternative.

Proactiv Solution

After all else failed and I was feeling more and more depressed and unattractive, I was taken in by the allure of those Proactiv infomercials. So I decided to give Proactiv Solution a try.   I ordered my kit for $60 or so and it arrived in a couple of days. I read the material and started the regimen that night. I did not see any results the next day but I did not expect any so soon either so I kept it up for a few more days. After about the third day I noticed a small improvement in my skin. After the sixth day my skin was stable but it was not really getting any better. It was still inflamed and bad looking to me. Then around the 7th or 8th day on the system, I noticed a change. But it was not a positive change. My acne actually started to get worse!

Conclusion About Proactiv Solution

Proactiv did not work. And after somewhat of a fight, I did finally get my money back, but it seemed to me that there was something in that system that actually made my acne worse.  So, yes, I am an ex-acne sufferer, but not because of Proactiv.  I needed an alternative to Proactiv.

Proactiv Alternative

After trying everything before I tried the Proactiv, and then trying the Proactiv and having it not even work, I started desperately looking for an alternative, but I could not find one. So, I created one, and now my acne is gone.

I'm Audrey Malone, and I had the severe acne that was cystic and now my face is clear. So here is the deal, your acne can be gone too. If you would like to get the complete system I used to get rid of my acne as a Proactiv alternative, you can by visiting: , a popular site that offers what you need to be acne-free.