Amalaki and Beautiful Hair

Amalaki is also known as emblica officinalis gaertn., the Indian gooseberry, amla, emblic myrobalan and aovla.  It grows most often amongst the deciduous trees in the Indian Himalayas, over four thousand feet above sea level.  It has long since been the perfect solution to damaged and thinning hair.

The berries are very nutritious, containing vital amino acids, large amounts of proteins and vitamin C, and minerals.  Hair requires protein and amino acids to grow and flourish in a healthy way, let alone shine in all its beauty.  Amalaki contains more amino acids than even apples, containing glutamine, proline, aspartic acid, lysine, alanine, tannin, gallic acid and albumin.  It also contains high levels of needed copper, zinc and chromium.

As many people experience the effects of increasing pollution and ill health, hair can thin, fall out, lose its color and become brittle and dull.  The berries boost calcium absorption which is vital to the production of healthy hair.  It preserves the color of the hair and delays the onset of gray hair, even well into old age.  It provides one of the best supporting mechanisms for strengthening the hair follicles, reducing the thinning and possible baldness that could eventually occur.

Many holistic hair remedies only go so far, but with the desire to get rid of dandruff and avoid all the harsh chemicals that are being put into shelf bound dandruff treatments and shampoos, people are turning to the berry for answers, proven both historically and scientifically to work.  In Indian, most women still use the ancient recipes containing amalaki to treat their hair, especially as its amino acids create a silky oil that acts as the perfect conditioner.

It seems that the ancient books of medicine from India have made a comeback.  Amalaki has found its way back into health food stores, Asian and Indian pharmacies and other locations, even in the Western world now.  Finding that perfect shampoo, dandruff treatment or conditioner is no longer a hard task based on trial and error, errors that are ultimately destroying the hair from its very roots.  With so much goodness within, the Indian gooseberry is revolutionizing modern hair care techniques, and may well possibly make damaged hair, weakened hair follicles and itchy scalps a thing of the past.  However, only time will tell if it can infiltrate the pharmaceutical world as easily as it has people’s homes and Western scientific labs.