As a woman if your hair isn't full, flowing, silky and beautiful then chances are you may feel less than pretty. However, if you are finding your hair thinning as a woman it can be totally devastating to your self esteem. If this is you and you are considering a female hair transplant here are some things you will want to consider.

There are pros and cons to a female hair transplant that we will go over here so that you will better understand your options for this traumatizing condition you are experiencing.

Here are some factors regarding hair transplants you need to be aware of;

  1. Well first off a female hair transplant is anexpensive optionusually ranging from $3,000 - $25,000. Also they come with no solid guarantees.

  2. Poor Results- many who have undergone a hair transplant are dissatisfied with the results. You want your hair to look natural but sometimes with this procedure you do not get that effect afterward. Some have complained of clumping in areas, patchiness, too much hair in some areas and not enough in others.

  3. Not just a one time treatment- many times you will have to have the procedure repeated in order to fill in all the thinning areas or bald spots and this can be quite traumatic as well. There is a lot of pain involved with this procedure and the healing process.

  4. The one pro of this option I guess is that you can see the results pretty much immediately.

So just the thought of those things associated with a female hair transplant above makes me want to explore other options...doesn't it do the same for you? I thought so.

Your other options are the many hair regrowth products available today with ease. But how do you know which one to chose? Let me help you. Research is showing that a combination of a topical remedy as well as natural supplementation is proving very effective in helping you to regrow your hair.

In most cases of female hair loss the cause is either stress related, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, menopause, stopping the contraceptive pill and others.

Just so you know, if you are losing your hair due to medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation then do not waste your money on hair regrowth products at this time. Usually when your treatment has ended your hair will regrow naturally without need for any hair restoration product.

There is no need for you to go to such an extreme as a female hair transplant and suffer the pain and expense of something that may not even give you the results you're hoping for. Look below for the best hair loss product to help you regrow your hair and regain your self esteem.