How Listening To The Radio Can Improve Your Hearing

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Most of us do not pay much attention to our senses; we notice when something is out of sorts but if everything seems to be in working condition, we pay little mind to trying to maintain it or preserve it. While there is no need to take extreme precautionary measures if you are healthy and vibrant, like all things with time, our senses begin to fade and it is important that you make a concerted effort to maintain your sense of hearing well into your adult life so that you can enjoy all of the sounds that make up your life. By taking the time to be a bit more conscious of what you hear on a daily basis, you can become more attuned to the sounds around you and can improve your hearing tenfold.

Everyone incorporates music somehow into their daily lives. Whether listening to your MP3 player on the bus, turning on the radio on your way to work or just putting in your favorite CD while you relax at home, music is such an integral part of our lives and is the easiest way to incorporate some hearing exercises. When you listen to the radio, pay attention to each subtle note and sound. Se if you can identify each one of the instruments. Rather than listening to the melody as a whole, listen to each distinct instrument and make sure that you pay attention to every subtle detail of what it is that comprises that piece of music. The simple act of paying more acute attention to the details in the sounds will perk up your ears and begin to improve your sense of hearing.

Another great exercise when listening to the radio, is to pay attention to the advertisements. While most people tend to zone or tune out when the ads come on as they seem to have little relevance to us, exercise your sense of hearing by listening to the ambient noises in the ad; the sounds that give you a sense of place and an idea of the environment. Those sounds that we don't pay attention to regularly, give us a sense of place and a good grasp of the environment. Simply tuning in and paying attention will train you to listen on a deeper level and thereby prevent hearing loss in the future.

If you have to, try closing your eyes and paying attention to all of the sounds that come at you from the radio; the ads, the music, the noises and separate each one so that you have a clear idea of what comprises the sound. Make sure to take care of your hearing and don't listen to the radio too loudly. You want to make sure that you hold on to your sense of hearing for as long as possible and taking care of it early on, is the best way to ensure that you will have it for a long time to come.