Categorize Of The Cause Of Tinnitus

Throughout the world there are large numbers of people suffering from tinnitus, which is a sensitivity of sound, even in the absence of such any external audio, and this sound is called as ringing in the ears, hissing, whistling or roaring noises in the ears.

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The tinnitus is of two types they are objective and subjective tinnitus, in the objective tinnitus the noise is heard even by the doctors and others, but this is found in very rare cases, whereas in the subjective tinnitus the sound is heard only by the victims and this type of tinnitus are commonly found and very difficult to be treated.

There are various grounds for the generation of tinnitus, and the most common reason for the people suffering is, that they might scratched the most fragile division of the inner ear and this leads to the damage of the cochlea and the related parts. If it is got injured due to the contact to noise or head trauma, the nerve fibers would have got stimulated and these damaged nerve fibers are the cause for the tinnitus.

Prebucusis is another cause for the tinnitus problem, and it is the condition in which the victim incurs hears loss due to their old age. Moreover tinnitus can also be caused due to the sinusitis and allergy problems. The tinnitus caused due to the reason of sinusitis is due to the block in the Eustachian tubes and the block may create pressure in the ear. The extensive use of the antibiotics is one of the reasons for the cause of the pressure. The other reason for the cause of the tinnitus could be due to the constant worry or nervous tension.

Some other causes for the tinnitus is due to the lack of vitamin A and B12 and the use of some medicines which may lead to tinnitus, these medicines are generally antidepressants, antibiotics and anti-malarial and so it is very important to read the prescriptions, before you take the medicines.