Cure For Tnnitus - High Frequency Hearing Loss

If you hear a constant buzzing, ringing or swishing sound in your ear you probably suffer from Tinnitus which is a form of High Frequency Hearing Loss. Some that suffer from Tinnitus only hear it during sleep, others hear it faintly all day or during certain environments, and the rest suffer from the most noticeable and often distracting or even painful buzzing in their ear.

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Only the person suffering can hear the sound and it might be temporary or permanent depending on the cause. Temporary causes include excessive ear wax, foreign object like an insect or a dirt that might have entered the ear or water trapped inside the ear.

Permanent causes include extremely loud noises that cause damage to the hearing receptor nerves or an object that has damaged the hearing receptor nerves. Obviously treatment for the temporary causes include eliminating or correcting whatever is in the ear but the permanent causes require a differing solution.

High Frequency Hearing Loss caused by permanent Tinnitus include drowning out the buzzing sound or training the mind to ignore the sound. These sounds can be very annoying, especially at times when you least expect it to happen.

To drown out the sound you could keep a radio or television on all the time but to retrain your brain to ignore the sounds might include meditation, hypnosis or tapping into the subconscious mind using a combination of both hypnosis and meditation. The cure for tinnitus is a solution all people seek when the pain just becomes extremely annoying over time.