Using a Tinnitus Masker

Using a Tinnitus masker can be an effective way to provide short term relief to the debilitating ringing, buzzing, whooshing or other irritating sounds known as Tinnitus or T as it is sometimes called. In order for a "masker" to work it must be capable of producing a sound that is so pleasing that the brain focuses on the external sound rather than the irritating inner sound.

It is possible and often happens that a person employs such a device by accident and is not consciously aware that is what they are doing. This generally occurs when, to obtain relief from the irritating noises, a person plays a device such as a radio or TV set to divert their attention. By so doing, they are in fact attempting to mask T with this external source of soothing noise.

Obviously not all external music or sounds will work. In fact it has been found that the high frequency strident sounds can actually create more harm than good. It seems that low frequency soft sound playing in a slow tempo produces the best masking effect. However a person should exercise some caution for not all low frequency sound is good. Some low frequency sounds can also be damaging and it should be noted that what works for one doesn't necessarily work for all.

The best thing a person can do is to become knowledgeable in the use of Tinnitus maskers, and then experiment to find what works best for them. The bad thing about any masker is that it can only provide temporary relief and may not work all of the time. Additionally, a Tinnitus masker may not be available at all the times when it is needed. For these reasons, the Tinnitus sufferer needs to find a permanent solution to the often debilitating effects of T.

In order to find permanent relief without the use of toxic drugs, surgical procedures or the use of a masker requires a person invest some time into research of alternate solutions. There are alternate programs available that provide long lasting relief by identifying the underlying causes of T and treating them. These alternate remedies can lead to a permanent remedy for the irritating inner ear noises, end a person's dependency on the use of any type of masking device and thus lead to a normal life of peace and quiet.

To learn more about alternative remedies and to learn about breakthroughs in effective treatment for Tinnitus and what this treatment can do for you, go to .