Turn That Music Down Or You Will Damage Your Hearing!

It's the constant nag of parents, but things are getting tougher for parents who want to safeguard their kids' ears.

Kids are listening to tiny music devices that are not as easily noticed and monitored by their parents.

But it's not solely about controlling noise.

It's also about shielding your child's hearing.

Parents can take an active roll in preventing hearing loss in kids

One of the universal causes of ?v=oT-5h-OBgBE" hearing loss is deafening noise.

Sounds above eighty decibels can cause significant hearing loss in most people.

But many people play their stereos and TVs higher than this right in their own house. Your family room, with its audio/video equipment could be a peril to your hearing and that of your kids. Also, hardwood floors that are so fashionable also tend to increase the noise and bounce it around.

It's not unusual to see young people listening to music and other entertainment with headphones. And many young people actually have damaged their hearing before they are legally adults.

It's sad that so many kids have already damaged their hearing so young.

Parents need to be conscious of this hazard and make sure that kids are listening to music and movies at safe volumes

Just about any stereo or music output device can produce music loud enough to harm hearing.

A concert or music event or even a motion picture may be loud enough to damage hearing. If you have ever been to an event and left with your ears ringing, you may have some amount of hearing loss.

Remember having this feeling coming out of high school dances? It can happen many places.

Many types of entertainment can cause this type of hearing loss. Car races, concerts, sporting events, airports, fireworks displays and lots of other things people do every day can be risky to your hearing as well as your child's hearing.