Tinnitus in Both Ears - How To Deal With It

Our ears are given to us to help us hear various sounds. There are different kinds of sounds and most of it has therapeutic effects in our body. It makes us feel relax and relieves tension and stress.

But sometimes it can also cause annoyance, irritation and frustration if the sounds that we hear are not the one that we are looking forward. Tinnitus is an abnormal condition by which we can perceive sounds without outside sources.

Sound ranges from pulsing, whooshing, whistling, clicking, roaring, hissing and the most common type which is ringing.  This can occur in one ear and can make us feel bothersome. But how much more if we can experience tinnitus in both ears? This may make us feel disturbed and can result to a very bad day.

We can experience tinnitus in either in one ear or on both ears. Tinnitus is a symptom that must help us feel alarmed because this may symbolize a physiological or psychological problem occurring within our body.

Tinnitus in both ears maybe caused by large doses of large saving drugs, aspirin, hypertension, exposure to extreme noise, impacted earwax, stress and sometimes tumors. There are many explanations given why this certain disease process happens. But this symptom can be serious if not treated promptly.

Tinnitus in both ears can cause a lot of distraction in the pattern of our daily life. These loud noises may last for 24 hours. It may cause of lack of sleep making your following day a very tiring one.  It may be temporary and sometimes it may last a lifetime depending on the treatment undertaken and the body's response to it.

This condition will lead to irritation and anxiety which can also be risk factors for tinnitus to be worse. Tinnitus at times is accompanied by dizziness, nausea and headache.

Certain solution is given and was proved to be effective in the management of tinnitus in both ears. It is important to identify the cause first in order to know the proper treatment to be done. But in general, there are things that are done that could surely help in relieving or lessening the severity of tinnitus.

Having time to relax and freeing self from stress and anxiety is a great help. Diet modification is also helpful. This includes staying away from caffeine, tobacco and high consumption of salt products. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins is needed. There are specific foods such as gingko biloba, garlic and pineapple which are very useful. We must be also aware of the noises within our surroundings. Too much noise is prohibited.

Seeking medical advice must be always put in mind every time we suffer certain abnormalities in our body. Tinnitus in both ears is a condition that may last a lifetime if not properly manage. Prevention is always than cure. So before tinnitus happen, we must take good care of our own ears, of our own body.