Protecting Your Hearing When You Are A Dj

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If you are a Dj, the nature of your job is to be around loud, blaring music that is fun to be around, but can have detrimental consequences if you don't take necessary precautions to protect yourself from damaging your hearing. Although you get to play the music that you love, by definition, your job entails getting people to dance so you have to play something loud, upbeat and lively. You can still enjoy all the music that you play but just take care of your ears and your hearing as after prolonged exposure to loud music, you could do serious damage if you don't take care of yourself.

As the Dj, you have to stay in the club and entertain the partygoers for the duration of the festivities so you will have to be creative as to how to protect your hearing and prevent any damage. You have to play the music loudly, so there is no real way to avoid the volume level but what you can do is buy durable headphones that cover the majority of your ears, and like most djs wear them for the duration of your set. This will allow you to listen to the music at a modified volume as well as select the upcoming songs for your set.

It is also important that if you know that your set will be very long or exceed three hours, have an assistant or friend take over your set and take a fifteen minute break outside, away from the loud music. Do not expose yourself to too much noise or elevated volume levels of music for long periods of time as it could lead to hearing loss or you could damage your ear drum. If you are very sensitive to elevated noise levels, buy the ear plugs that surfers wear when they go out into the ocean. They are great because they are inexpensive, durable and best of all, allow you to hear while protecting your ears. You can wear one headphone and one earplug so that you can listen to the music as well as protect the ear that is exposed to the ambient noise.

Also, if at all possible, try and set up your equipment as far away from the speakers as possible as the best ways to protect your hearing is to diffuse loud sounds and noises as much as possible. Especially in a club, where the music levels are elevated beyond the normal listening level, it is important that you place yourself in the center of the two speakers and as far away from them as you can be. Due to the nature of your job, you have to take extra care of your ears and your hearing as you are exposed to elevated noise levels far beyond the average person. As long as you follow these simple tips, you should be able to enjoy your gigs while still being able to preserve your hearing.