How Can I Get My Acne to Go Away Forever?

How many times do you worry that the next time you look in the mirror you'll have
another pimple?

Do you lose your confidence talking to others? How about trying to make it through some of the toughest years of your life battling yet another problem called acne? It plain out stinks!

So, what is acne and how can I get it to go away is a question I'm sure you've asked yourself many many times.

I struggled with these questions for over ten years and thanks to trial and error, which is probably the worst way to go, I finally got some help and found treatments that tackled my acne for good.

The beauty today is you have answers to common questions that not only doctors can answer, but also other acne sufferers as well as scientists.

This article will shed some light on how to get rid of acne once and for all!

There are hundreds of products and professionals touting one treatment over another. One is because they created that product and stand to make a hefty profit over it.

Another is because that certain treatments actually have worked for many folks.

With all the information and treatments available, there are still things you must know in regards to what's accurate and what is not.

Here is what we know:

There are different types of acne and different types of skin disorders that can appear as acne. You should know what types of acne you are dealing with before deciding on an acne product or treatment. You'll hear terms like acne vulgaris, cystic acne, Rosacea, and others.

You should also know about your own skin. Is it oily, is it dry, how does it respond to various soaps, water, sweat, foods, etc?

Another topic to cover before deciding how to combat your acne includes myths. A lot these of may or may not be true, but it is important to understand myths.

My thought was always that if it made me feel like I was going to break out or did, I stayed away (i.e. when I ate dairy). If it seemed to help, I would continue to try it (i.e. fruit such as apples and nutrition products).

Also, you may want to understand how diet and health for your inner and outer body can assist in getting rid of acne. Remember your skin is an organ and need nourishment like other parts
of your body.

Treat it as a temple and it will treat you well back. You'd be surprised how some non-acne treatments will make a huge difference (i.e. water filtration or flushes).

Finally, do your homework, research products and treatments, speak with other acne sufferers, speak with a medical professional to come up with the ultimate treatment.

So, you say at this point, this all sounds good and I have tried this and that and my acne either won't go away or continues to get worse.

I know how you feel, trust me. I wouldn't take my shirt off for years to show off the healthy body I worked on because the acne made me feel worse on my arms and back.

I would run to the bathroom and look in the mirror all the time just to make sure I didn't have
another pimple to pop.

I would even carry a tube of over the counter cream to cover up any blemish that needed it.

It was a rough spot and although my teens and twenties were great, the scars both outer and inner
have stayed.

So, all I can say is keep trying different methods and treatments (with care of course) whether it be prescription, over the counter, or scientifically-tested products you can buy. One day you will find a strategy that will end that darn acne for good!