How to Heal an Ear Infection

A sharp distinct pain strikes deeply in the ear canal. “On no!” she says to herself. She can determine from the pain that it is going to be another ear infection. She continues to see her family practitioner,but wishes she could treat this infection with natural remedies. Is this possible? To answer her question...Yes it is! The following information will related some unique ways to treat on oncoming ear infection.

Garlic Oil

One unique way to treat an ear infection is through the use of garlic oil. There are to methods of preparation with garlic oil With the first option, you can use the microwave to prepare the oil. The second option involves letting the garlic and oil sit for a week. To prepare using the first option, you should first place garlic and oil in a bow. Next you will microwave the mixture for approximately one minute. You need to make sure the oil has become hot. Once the oil has cooled down, you will need too apply in the ear canal. you can place it in the canal with a q-tip of medicine dropper. For the second option, you can prepare oil and garlic in a sealable jar. The mixture is good for two weeks. Apply like the first option to treat an ear infection.

Tea Tree Oil

A second unique ways for treating ear infections is the use of tea tree oil. You will warm the tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Next you will place at least ten drops in the the ear canal two times a day.


A third unique way to treat ear infections is with salt. To prepare you will microwave one cup of salt, place it in a cloth, and apply to the ear. You need to leave on infected ear for approximately thirty minutes. The heated salt pack should draw out fluid that is causing the ear infection.


In conclusion, if yo wish to help you possible ear infection my suggestion is to try one of the natural remedies. If these do not work, you may want to consult a physician.