On Tinnitus - Causes, Symptoms and Effective Relief

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope that you find it informative and even useful in providing guidance in gaining relief from this awful, debilitating condition.

There is perhaps no greater example as to the maddening effects of subjective tinnitus than Vincent Van Gogh. Although there is no way to be sure, it is assumed that the great artist suffered severely from it, and it is likely that this is the reason that he cut off his ear in a vain attempt to alleviate the incessant symptoms. There is simply no greater way to demonstrate to those who are lucky enough not to suffer from the condition just how frustrating and horrendous subjective tinnitus can become.

Causes of Tinnitus

Although tinnitus is being correctly diagnosed much more often in this modern world, there is still much to learn about the condition. Firstly, it is important to note that is is indeed a condition, and not a disease, and therefore cannot be caught or transmitted. Here are some known causes:

  • Congenital defects
  • Pre-existing medical condition
  • Onset following an unrelated illness or accident (such as an ear infection)
  • Wax impaction / excessive fluid within the ear
  • Damage to nerve endings in the ear (ie due to prolonged exposure to loud noise)

It is the final cause mentioned above that is of most concern to medical experts today. Excessive exposure to loud noise over long periods of time can cause tinnitus to develop as time progresses. This can include such normal activities as using firearms, jackhammers, band-saws and nail-guns, and loud music (through both conventional speakers and headphones). It is not surprising, therefore, that it is estimated that at least 10% of people who live in modern western societies are living with, or are at risk of developing, tinnitus. Turn that Walkman down a notch!

Symptoms of Tinnitus

There are two types of tinnitus - the commonly-diagnosedsubjective tinnitus, and the rarerobjective tinnitus. The latter type is unusual in that the noises encountered by the sufferer can also be heard outside the ear, and can be associated with uncontrolled muscle spasms within the ear or jaw.

Subjective tinnitus can be described as being able to hear noises or ringing only by the patient themselves. The noises do not relate to any outside ambient sounds, although in some cases the symptoms can be triggered after hearing certain noises. Sometimes the symptoms are persistent, and in other cases they seem to occur arbitrarily or (commonly) are only of concern in quiet environments (ie sleeping).

Examples include (but are by no means limited to):

  • A constant ringing tone of varying pitch
  • Rhythmic or arhythmic clicking or tapping sounds
  • Whistling sounds
  • Roaring sounds

As previously mentioned, these symptoms can be persistent, or can occur at some arbitrary time. They can even be triggered by sounds (gunfire, high-pitched voices etc), and can last for an indeterminate period of time. The symptoms often grow in strength as age progresses, leading to a slowly-degrading quality of life for those who endure it.

The Effects of Tinnitus

Tinnitus manifests itself in varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes it is a minor annoyance, to be endured for a time until it seems to naturally go away. For others, it is a constant burden, and can lead to a person modifying their way of life in order to minimize the humiliation and embarrassment that can follow. These include:

  • Tone-Deafness - often being unable to hear sounds at a certain level, as the ringing cancels them out
  • Selective Deafness - being unable to hear voices or sounds at a certain pitch
  • Aversion to Large Gatherings - the background noises of parties or other events where many people are present make hearing & understanding people very difficult.
  • Headaches
  • Irritability - frustration from the constant barrage of sound can lead to unexplained angry outbursts


Whilst some tinnitus cases are unavoidable, the best treatment for tinnitus is prevention, as there are very few conventional methods to treat the condition. Be extremely aware of your exposure to loud noises. Always wear ear protection wherever possible, and try not to use such things as cotton swabs in your ears as this impacts wax (a known cause of tinnitus).

Obviously, consulting your doctor is absolutely critical. Once diagnosed, a proper course of treatment can be recommended. These include:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Medical intervention (drugs)
  • Surgery (last resort and very rare)
  • Natural remedies

Unfortunately, treatments for a sizeable proportion of tinnitus sufferers is either ineffective or not effective enough to relieve symptoms. Research is continuing into this mysterious condition, and it is expected that the number of cases diagnosed worldwide will steadily increase.

For those of us who have a friend or family member with tinnitus, support and patience are the essential elements for providing assistance. It is important to understand the exact symptoms, and from there it is possible to enhance their quality of life by working within the symptoms themselves. It could be as simple as talking directly to the person in a tone that they understand. Or, trying to ensure the person is not exposed to situations or events where they are known to feel uncomfortable. Just these small things can be of enormous benefit to those who have to deal with the daily nightmare that is subjective tinnitus.

For those who suffer from tinnitus, each day can be a burden. Equally, for friends and family, it can be extremely distressing to see those who suffer from this debillitating condition quietly enduring their lives as best they can. If you are reading this article and fall into any of those categories, I urge you to check out this link for access to a resource which could provide effective relief from the daily nightmare that is subjective tinnitus.

Thank you for reading this article. I wish you peace & prosperity!