There's No Medication to Clear Tinnitus - But These Tips May Ease Some of the Pain

Tinnitus can be an immensely stressful and frustrating condition for the people it affects. The first thing you'll want to know as a sufferer, is whether or not there is an effective way toclear tinnitus. The answer is both "yes" and "no". Firstly, there is no recognized medication or pill that you can take that will magically get rid of your tinnitus. However, it is possible to greatly reduce and even cure your tinnitus - depending on it's severity in your particular situation - by making changes to your lifestyle.

Here we'll look into a couple of these changes that you can incorporate into your life, helping to greatly reduce the ringing on the ears, andpotentially clear tinnitus completely. Consider these factors:

Medication Side Effects: A very overlooked cause of tinnitus - or at least a major aggravator of the condition - is one of the side effects of many medical drugs. NSAIDS or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the worst kind, and are yet the most commonly taken. Examples include Aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, all of which are easily available over the counter. They are prone to causing and aggravating hearing related problems, including tinnitus. The reason is not exactly known, but it is thought to be because of the drugs anti-platelet properties. Also, Aspirin for example, is a drug created from salicylates and salicylic acid, of which again, are both notorious for causing hearing related problems. Aside from NSAIDS, other drugs such as sedatives, antibiotics and antidepressants can also cause and greatly aggravate tinnitus.

This being the case, try and change your medication whenever possible. Try alternatives and monitor your symptoms. Instead of taking NSAIDS for example to relieve a headache, you can instead opt for something like paracetamol. You obviously can't pinpoint a medication that may be causing your tinnitus immediately, but it's something to consider and look into further.

Your Diet: Certain foods can aggravate and even cause tinnitus. Again, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that is effecting you in particular - as everyone is different - but by paying attention to what you eat, and how your severity of tinnitus differs, over time you can pinpoint certain foods and ingredients that affect you. Some common ingredients that are known to aggravate and potentially cause tinnitus are: salt, aspartame, cholesterol, dairy products and food products containing Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). By reducing your intake of these within your diet, and monitoring your tinnitus as a result, over time you can link particular foods and ingredients that are effecting you. Then, by avoiding such ingredients, you can greatly reduce and potentially completely eliminate your tinnitus.

In conclusion, there is no "magic pill" to clear tinnitus, but by closely monitoring and adapting your lifestyle, in this case, the foods you eat and the medication you use, it is completely possible to greatly relieve and fully cure tinnitus naturally. Patience and being proactive is the key. Results won't come over night, but if you persist and monitor your tinnitus as you make changes, then you'll soon see results.