Ringing Ears Cure- Remedies And Treatments For Tinnitus

There are over 66 million people suffering from ringing ears or tinnitus in the United States. While there is no specific ringing ears cure, many remedies and treatments are available. Although these may only give limited, temporary or partial relief from the affliction, oftentimes it is enough to give somebody a moment of peace and sanity in an otherwise frustrating world.

Having no control over the frequency, volume and intensity of the ringing is often the most frustrating part of having tinnitus. For some people it may be a mild annoyance while to others it is a life changing disease which haunts their every waking moment, and does not allow them any sleep other then that afforded from pure exhaustion.

Different remedies work at different success rates for each individual. Fortunately, many remedies and treatments are now available, and if one does not work, try something different. Researching your specific variables such as volume, frequency and intensity may help you to ascertain which remedy is best for you.

The first step is to determine exactly which of the main four causes of tinnitus you are afflicted with. A doctor is the best person qualified to do this. Once determined if your tinnitus is due to some sort of trauma or stress, a sinus or allergic cause, cochlear damage (physical damage to the inner ear caused by loud noises) or Meniere's's disease, it will be easier to find the correct remedy for you. Keep in mind that the sooner it is diagnosed the easier it will be to treat.

For those suffering from tinnitus due to Meniere's disease, they may be aware that the disease causes vertigo, which is dizziness or a loss of balance, and that is due to pressure in the inner ear. It can cause temporary or even permanent hearing loss, and the best way to counter it is diet. There should be a conscious effort on the part of those suffering to regulate their eating and drinking habits.

Along with exercise, a diet has been proven effective in treating tinnitus. It should include plenty of water to keep the body hydrated and should include red meat and green vegetables such as broccoli. To avoid on this diet, is alcohol, sodium such as salt or MSG, dairy and wheat products, citrus fruit and most especially caffeine as found in coffee, soda and chocolate.

The most common complaint of tinnitus sufferers is a lack of sleep, or restful sleep. One popular treatment for this is the "Tinnitus Masking Treatment". It is quite simple. The white noise which is played to the patient serves to divert their attention from the ringing and essentially "mask" it, so as to give them the illusion that it is greatly reduced, if not all together eliminated, and allowing them to rest.

B vitamins as well as minerals such as zinc and magnesium have been shown to improve tinnitus also. These remedies fall under the homeopathic treatments, which also include herbal applications such as Ginko Biloba and Black Cohosh. Remember, if a treatment does not work for you, try another one. There are plenty to chose from with varying degrees of results.