Fast Ways To Lose Belly Fat

This article will explain methods that can be done to help you lose belly fat fast. Once you realize that losing belly fat is hard, it will become easy. Trust me.

Firstly, you need to start watching what you eat, this doesn\'t mean what it go into your mouth. You need to start making better choices, it goes without saying that you should avoid eating foods high in fat. You should also avoid eating foods that are high in simple carbohydrates. What are simple carbohydrates you may ask? Simple carbohydrates just means sugar. So basically, you want to make sure you avoid sweet foods and please do not add sugar to your tea or coffee.


Here\'s a basic rule you should follow:

30% of your diet should comprise of protein

50% of your diet should comprise of complex carbohydrates (rice, pasta etc)

20% of your diet should comprise of monounsaturated fat (avocados, sun flour seeds) - your body needs fat in order to absorb the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K.

Now that we\'ve discussed what you should eat, we now need to talk about how you should exercise. I would advise that you start with some basic crunches and abdominal muscle workouts as these will target the belly fat. But what you need to be doing more is walking, you should spend at least 1 hour of walking 4 to 5 times each week. This steady exercise of walking will help your body to burn fat because your body burn fats better when your doing low intensity exercise.

You should avoid doing cardio, this is because, cardio doesn\'t help to burn fat. Instead cardio burns carbohydrates that are stored in your body. So you want to be doing low intensity exercise such as walking to burn that ugly belly fat. Following the general eating plan that is outlined above and the low intensity method, you will lose that belly fat.